Finally, after almost a year (and a few years of battles) we have planning permission for change of use to mixed use for Abbotts View Livery. It's cost £000,s, we have cried in frustration at the continued lies put forward by two neighbours with nothing better to do than to complain, lie, bully, manipulate and harass the council about us, but who never have the balls to talk to us directly. Thank goodness that common sense has prevailed, again. We will not be bullied or driven out but will emerge stronger! Today is a good day!!
For those of you who are new to following us, a quick summary;
We moved to the farm as a family in 2012, following my mums ill health and battle with bowl and skin cancer, and my parents wanting a complete life change. My dad sold his business, my mum gave up her midwifery career, Abbott's view farm was purchased and shortly after, Abbotts View Alpacas was born.
Abbott's View Livery (AVL) is part of Abbott's View Farm and was started 4 years ago by me. I am the eldest daughter of the family, and AVL is my dream and passion.
When we started it, we were told by multiple planning consultants that we did NOT need planning permission. The reason being, AVL was diversification of the farm, and we were continuing to use the land for mixed use. The sheep cross graze the tracks and track middles with the horses, the hay barn is used to store hay for all the animals, and the alpacas trek around the hacking track Sadly over the past 8 years, due what we can only imagine as jealousy, we started getting anonymous reports to the council for various things on the farm, lots of which were lies.
For the livery, we were advised to put in for planning, which we did, only for these anonymous people to suddenly not be so anonymous and appear with very nasty objection letters.
It's been a long hard battle, lots of tears and confusion, and anger on my part. All my parents wanted was a fresh start, a new life, and to have that attacked from the very beginning by selfish, jealous and bitter people all because they don't like change (the farm was a field of wasted weeds when we bought it by the way) is absolutely awful, and made me lose my faith in humanity.
For me, I had always wanted to run my own business I just wasn't sure what in, until I discovered the barefoot way and track systems and decided to trial it as business and at the age of 21, Abbott's View Livery was born.
I am absolutely delighted to finally recieve the planning permission granted, despite having to amend and resubmit it multiple times due to these neighbours continued complaints, and my faith has been restored that they have been shown that nastiness is never the way to succeed. You could have had some great neighbors, we really are a lovely bunch who just want a happy life.
Thank you to everyone of you who supported us, through submitting your own letters of support, to simply liking and sharing our posts and commenting words of support. The horse world is changing, one natural livery yard at a time, and I am greatful to continue fulfilling my passion and mission statement!
I have just cracked open a bottle of champagne we kept since we got engaged in July last year, that we were saving for a special occasion. I think this qualifies